Get data moving from your suppliers to your customers

One subscription is enough to connect all your value chain data. Do not copy data - just share it securely and without costly integrations by using IOXIO data sharing service.

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Value proposition "Boost your business processses from weeks to hours"
Current challenge

Data is stuck in silos in your value chain

Data is shared in ustructured format

A lot of manual work needed to share data

No automated processes - No scalability

Non-compliant with EU regulation and industry standard requirements

Visualisation of the current challenge for data sharing in value chains. Illustrated with three blocks: Any data source, your business, any data recipient. The connections between these are broken. Data is shared in unstructured format with a lot of manual work, no scalability or compliance with EU regulations.
Our solution

Bridging your data sharing gaps

Data is structurised for interoperable sharing

No more manual work - Unlock scalability

Efficient data sharing across the value chain

EU regulation and industrial standard compliant

Visualisation of the how IOXIO solves the current challenge of data sharing in value chains. Illustrated with three blocks: Any data source, your business, any data recipient. Now the connections have between these blocks have been linked with IOXIO solution. Data is shared in unstructured format with a lot of manual work, no scalability or compliance with EU regulations.
Visualisation how IOXIO Data Sharing service can connect the value chain's activities, e.g. Raw materials, manufacturing, logistics, retail, usage and R-Loops. Works for any value chain, improves digitalisation in data sharing, enables presenting primary data to customers instead of secondary data, and makes companies compliant with EU regulations and industrial standards.

No massive IT projects - start sharing data in hours

Easy onboarding - Subscribe easily by contacting our sales

Trusted and secure data sharing - Manage who has access to your data

Unlock scalability - Comply with any regulation and industrial standard

Book a demoContact sales
Abstract visualisation of the data flow

Contact our sales to get the best package for your data sharing needs!

Not sure what data you should share or how to get started?

We can help you with data defining, onboarding, and organise hands-on sessions!

IOXIO data sharing service features currently. Free for all: Pre-made data definitions, tools and guides. Customisable: data transactions, SLA, and support level. Optional add-ons: data definition support, onboarding support, hands-on sessions.

Available for all businesses

IOXIO provides an unprecedented yet simple service, solving data sharing challenges across different industries and value chains with just one simple subscription.

No matter whether you’re a micro, small, medium or large company, our solution lets you create new value with data more efficiently than ever before.

Read more from our success cases on how our new way of data sharing can improve your business and competitive advantage.

Value proposition: Free up your team's time. Previously a lot of different specialists are needed to share data, now only one developer and rest is autmation.

Any questions? We’ve got answers for you!

Contact us at [email protected] to learn more.

Pirkka Frosti
CEO, Founder
Phone: +358 50 524 5730

Fredrikinkatu 34 A 17
00100 Helsinki

Technical support
Email: [email protected]

Electronic invoicing:
003724644919 OKOYFIHH

Visualisation of a general value chain, with data moving between the actors.